Morgan State University offers exclusive transfer opportunities to students at Sojourner-Douglass College


— Morgan State University is partnering with Sojourner-Douglass College (SDC) to offer enrollment opportunities to its students. To accommodate any undergraduate SDC students currently enrolled at the school who may be seeking transfer alternatives, Morgan is planning a one-time “Transfer Decision Day” to be held at the University’s South Campus Montebello Complex (Room D-118) on Wednesday, May 27, 2015 from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.

Transfer Decision Day means interested students will be able to meet with representatives from Morgan’s Office of Undergraduate Admission and Recruitment and get all of the enrollment processes coordinated and completed conveniently at one time.

“Students will be offered the opportunity to receive an on-the-spot admission decision, assistance with financial aid and housing as well as credit evaluations,” says Shonda Cain, Morgan’s director of Undergraduate Admission and Recruitment. “This is a one-stop shop designed to make the transition process as seamless as possible for the students of Sojourner-Douglass College.”

To participate in Transfer Decision Day, students are encouraged to register online by visiting

“Morgan offers a distinctive educational experience for students who have a love for learning and a desire to achieve, says Dr. Kara Turner, MSU’s associate provost for Enrollment Management and Student Academic Support Services. “As Maryland’s Public Urban University, Morgan is able to fill the gaps in the higher educational needs of this community and is uniquely positioned to serve the students at Sojourner-Douglass.”