Wordsmith: My Purpose, My Dream


“Not a lot of artists truly embrace being a role model, I love it and I am willing to help bring a positive word, message and vibe. I know my purpose and I am living my dream.” —Wordsmith

If the riots taught us anything, it’s that the city needs new leadership and a younger voice that relates to what the younger generation is going through and can speak their language.

“These kids are really looking for something that really speaks to them and not forced fed to them like today’s music. My music, my words are about positivity [with] a message of hope and dreams. We need to let people know it’s okay to dream [and not allow] anyone tell you, you can’t,” said Wordsmith.

When we caught up with Wordsmith, he was preparing to head overseas to perform for the troops.

“I am really looking forward to going overseas and giving those troops a show they can enjoy. To let them know people care about them and just to say thank you,” said Wordsmith. “Yes I did the R-rated stuff but there is more to life and I can get my word across and make music that can be enjoyed by everyone. So I no longer curse in my music, I have a son so I want to set the example not just for him, but all youth.”

He continued, “I do this fulltime because I love it. I do this to provide for my family and being in front of the mic is not the only way to make money in this business. You have to do this for the love of the game.”

Wordsmith is the truth! Check him out: www.wordsmithmusic.com.