Prince announces Rally 4 Peace concert in Baltimore


— First there was the song, then the concert.

Days after recording a protest song in the aftermath of the Freddie Gray protests, Prince has announced a Mother’s Day Rally 4 Peace concert in Baltimore. The show will take place at Royal Farms Arena.

“In a spirit of healing, the event is meant to be a catalyst for pause and reflection following the outpouring of violence that has gripped Baltimore and areas throughout the U.S.,” organizers said.

Tickets go on sale Wednesday.

“As a symbolic message of our shared humanity and love for one another, attendees are invited to wear something gray in tribute to all those recently lost in the violence,” organizers said.

Moved by the unrest in Baltimore, Prince recorded a song critical of the killing of young African-American men, a publicist for the artist said last week.

It is a tribute to the people of Baltimore but will also address political and social issues throughout the country.

Prince’s Paisley Park Studios has not yet announced a release date.

Prince released two new albums last year for a career total of 34. He has sold about 40 million albums during his career, according to the Recording Industry Association of America.

CNN’s Steve Forrest and Ben Brumfield contributed to this report