Do you remember these night spots and patrons?
Hey everyone! Mannnnnnnnnn! I got some oldies for you! Girlfriend, do you remember these clubs and patrons in these photos? Honey child! Check out these photos from the good old days. We must always remember our past fun and life in the nightlife scene. It will help us smile today. Some of our friends have passed away, but look at the smile on their faces in these pictures when they were still with us.
Caton Castle Starmaids
Line dancing with DJ Libby at Tequila Sunset
PHOTO GALLERY: Do You Remember?
I know some of the clubs and vendors are not as they used to be or no longer exist, but MAN-OH-MAN!— we did have some fun when they were still around. Remember the Sphinx Club, Phil’s Lounge, Club Casino, Club Astoria, Lucky Number, Pat’s Lounge, Big Wooten Lounge, Bird Cage, Sportsman Lounge, and the Elgin Lounge just to name a few? There are only a few of us left to enjoy this kind of fun, and a very, very few places to go. Many of us are now weak and tired and not in good health to continue what we did to have fun in the clubs, such as drink plenty of cocktails, dance to live entertainment, and tell lies cross the bar. Yeah man! They were the good ole days. I just don’t want you to forget. I realize that some of us are up in age and when we take two steps up, we take three steps back, trying not to trip over our walking canes, but we still hang in there trying our best to support the club owners and musicians who are still there for us. Life is so short folks— enjoy it! Keep a positive mind and attitude because tomorrow is not promised.
Ursula V. Battle’s play, “DisChord in the Choir”
Ursula Battle, a great friend and colleague is also a gifted playwright, writer, reporter and photographer. I have watched her grow since her first play into a very talented, strong playwright. I am so proud of her. Battle’s newly rewritten version of the gospel stage play musical production called, “DisChord in The Choir” produced by Unified Voices of Johns Hopkins under the directorship of Dr. Gregory William Branch features dynamic singers, a riveting story line and powerful ministerial messages. The play will also feature some locals, including the gospel trio Serenity; WEAA personality Ernestine Jones and comedian Ms’ Maybelle along with many of other professional singers, actresses and comedians.
The play deals with and covers many issues in life. It is a fun, entertaining, educational drama. It will be presented Friday March 27, 7 p.m. and Saturday 2 & 7 p.m. through Sunday, March 29, 5 p.m. at the Turner Auditorium in the Johns Hopkins Hospital Ross Research Building, 720 Rutland Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland. For ticket information, call 443-531-4787. I wish you much success my dear friend.
Well my dear friends, it is about that time to “Break a Leg!” I am out of time and space, but remember if you need me, call me at 410-833-9474 or email me at UNTIL THE NEXT TIME, I’M MUSICALLY YOURS.