RAMBLING ROSE: Happy Valentine’s Day!


Hello everyone, I hope you have a fantastic Valentine’s Day and plan on enjoying some Black History Month events this weekend. There is so much going on that I barely have space to include it in my column. This week I will set up a calendar of events, so you can decide which and how many events you want to go to in the next couple of weekends.

First I want to wish all my Valentine’s Sweethearts and couples a very Happy Valentine’s Day and ladies may the heart and flowers come from your sweetheart be very special.

Calendar of Events:

Friday, February 13, STAR Fundraiser An Affair of the Heart (Sisters Together and Reaching), a faith-based community organization that provides services to the HIV/AIDS community is hosting a formal and Masquerade Extravaganza at the Vollmer Center at Cylburn Arboretum, 4915 Greenspring Avenue from 7-11 p.m. Live entertainment will be provided by Charles Arnette Jazz Ensemble, Tracey Curbeam and DJ Shay. Also, I will be there for a book signing. For more information, call Gwen at 410-967-7503.

Carlton and Darlene Douglass, owner of Carlton Douglass Funeral Services.

Carlton and Darlene Douglass, owner of Carlton Douglass Funeral Services.

Sunday, February 15, 3-8 p.m. The Baltimore Area Alumni Association Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity, Inc. will host their “Annual Cocktail Sip” at the Forum Caterers, 4210 Primrose Avenue with open bar and buffet. Book signing by Rambling Rose, vendors and music by Mie Jones. For ticket information, call Jim “Magic” Johnson at 410-744-9595.


Greg and Marlyn Hatza renowned musician and wife.

Saturday, February 14, 8 p.m. until 2 a.m., Brian Hall is hosting a Valentines Extravaganza at the Patapsco Arena, 3301 Annapolis Road cabaret style; BYOF, cash bar, free setups, dancing, best red dress contest, Rambling Rose book signing and vendors. There will be lots of live entertainment including Black Ivory, The Ebony’s, First Impressions, Fabulous Friends, BADD, First Class, Ms’ Maybelle, hosted by Courtman and special Honoree, Travis Winkey. For ticket information, call 410-929-1360.


Jeff and Shirley Supik, historian and owner of the historical Emmart Pierpont Safe House.

Saturday, February 14, 12 noon-4 p.m., the Afro-American Historical & Genealogical Society (Agnes Kane Callum Chapter) is hosting a Genealogy EXPO at the Northwood Pratt Library, 4420 Loch Raven Blvd. Yours Truly, Rambling Rose will also do a book signing with my new book. For more information, call 410-358-9875.


Rod “Bunky” Ferebee & Sharon Alford, local entertainers.

Friday & Saturday, February 13, 14 Lexington Market will continue to host their Black History Month featuring the Great Blacks in Wax Exhibit and the Buffalo Soldiers Exhibit will also be there along with authors book signings. Open to the public.

Friday-Sunday, February 13- 15, the Mid Atlantic Jazz Festival is being held in the Juke Joint at the Hilton Washington DC/Rockville Hotel & Executive Meeting Center, 1750 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland featuring: Anthony “Swamp Dog” Clark; Nadine Rae; Kenny Sparks; Charles Adkins; Ellis Marsalis; Carmen Lundy; Kenny Barron; Craig Handy, and many more. For ticket information, email: aclark@anthonyswampdogclark.com. Or www.midatlanticjazzfestival.org.

Sunday, February 22, 4-8 p.m., Tiger Davis & the National Association for Black Veterans, Inc. will host their 15th Annual Memorial Buffalo Soldiers Banquet at Morgan State University Ballroom. Live entertainment, vendors, cocktails, food and Yours Truly will be there for a book signing. For more information, call410-302-6758 and tell them Rosa Pryor told you.

Well, my dear friends, it is about that time. I am out of space and out of time. Remember, if you need me, call me at 410-833-9474 or email me at rosapryor@aol.com.