Which New Year’s resolutions will you be making this year? Diet? Exercise? Finances?


A positive attitude is one of the most powerful assets you can have. Positive people find success, good health, happiness, wealth and rewarding relationships throughout their lives. This is not because they are already successful, or because they are more confident, it is simply the attitude. The law of attraction is that positive thoughts lead to positive results. Your thoughts are much more powerful than just electric signals between synapses. They have the ability to define you and affect those around you. However, it’s not easy to summon this way of thinking on command. It may take years of patience and practice to change your overall mentality.

Learn from the example of others. “Early leaders in the United States understood the true meaning of positive thinking,” says Stanley Murphy, department chair for the Graduate School of Business and Management at Argosy University, Nashville. “It is one aspect of the root of their success. Philip D. Armour, F.W. Woolworth, Thomas A. Edison, Marshall Field, Andrew Carnegie, Napoleon Hill and a host of other movers and shakers who participated in shaping our country in the early 20th century all understood these two powerful words: positive thinking.”

It is true that the most successful people throughout history have all recognized the power of positive thinking. Even Gandhi was a strong advocate of positive thinking. He is reported to have said, “A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes.”

So what are some proven methods to developing mastery in positive thinking? Well for starters, believe that you can become a positive thinker. “Invest and commit yourself to your own personal development,” suggests Murphy. “You must first believe in yourself. When you do, you will notice that others believe in you too. Examine how you are investing in yourself. Make note in your observation of yourself. See if your personal investments are constructive or destructive. If they are destructive, then try to eliminate them. If constructive, then perfect them.”

R. Brian Salinas, professor at Argosy University, San Francisco Bay Area recommends interacting with people who are on the same journey, whether they are ahead or behind.

“People project who they are and you will too. You’ll start to pick up their traits and ways of approaching things,” says Salinas. “Read books that talk about handling the lessons and challenges that come up in life and that mirror those you want to overcome in yours. In a few years, you’ll find that your story of triumph over adversity mirrors those you read about.”

Consider the physical aspects as well. Try to incorporate the practice of daily meditation (a minimum of 20 minutes a day) suggests Murphy. “Take care of your body and it will take care of you. Moderate exercise, balanced diet and adequate rest will keep you physically fit for your daily task.”

Also, try to be realistic. Everyone has down moments, and that’s alright. “Positive attitude is more than the sum of your feelings at any particular moment. If a loved one passes away or you are facing a challenge that feels overwhelming at the moment, it doesn’t mean that you’re not a positive person,” adds Salinas. “Positive people have every right to feel sad. It’s even healthy to express those feelings from time-to-time. Just remember that those moments don’t define us.”