This year, I’m dreaming of a green Christmas— where animals aren’t abused, the planet isn’t polluted, and humans are healthy and light. Here are five reasons to eat a vegan feast— and not animal flesh— for Christmas:
- ‘Tis the season for peace and goodwill: Only a Grinch would cause animals pain and suffering.
- Meat production contributes to climate change. The North Pole won’t be a winter wonderland if Santa’s wearing Speedos and polar bears are clinging to melting ice floes.
- Gathering around a great tasting meatless meal is much more fun than gathering at the hospital to visit someone who indulged in too many meaty meals.
- Vegans tend to weigh less than meat-eaters. You never want to grow too big to sit on Santa’s knee!
- Versatile vegan foods generally cost less than meat. A little extra “jingle” makes everyone jolly.
If you’re yearning for a green Christmas, too, see www.PETA.org for festive vegan recipes and product suggestions. And have a merry, green Christmas!
Heather Moore
The PETA Foundation
Norfolk, VA