Unlock the Vote Coalition hosts felon assistance event


— On Saturday December 6, 2014 at the Douglas Memorial Community Church the Unlock the Vote Coalition will be hosting a felon assistance program. The purpose of the event is to focus on how people with criminal records can make their lives better.

Co-organizer Diamonte Brown says there are people who have criminal records who want to improve their lives. “We need to organize and come up with a plan on how we can address this issue publicly, identify jobs and housing that will work with people who have made mistakes in the past and now are trying to move forward with being production in the neighborhood,” he said.

According to Perry Hopkins another organizer, “It is not fair for someone who has changed to be still serving time for a crime. No matter if it is two years ago or twenty years ago. If that person has paid for their crime, they at least need a chance to prove their worth in the world.”

This first meeting is open to anyone a with criminal record. If you are a business, politician, or housing expert and want to offer your assistance, you are invited as well. For more information on this event, please call 410-236-0861 or 443-680-1136.

Indie Soul welcomes your questions and comments. To contact Phinesse Demps, call 410-366-3900 ext. 3016 or 410-501-0193 or email: pdemps@btimes.com. Follow him on Twitter@lfpmedia.