DPSCS employees help fight Ebola with donation of medical supplies


— Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) employees from all over the state have donated medical supplies that will soon be shipped to Liberia to help families of their coworkers from that country who are surrounded by the deadly Ebola virus.

Employees began the effort of donating bleach, latex gloves, eye protection and other products last month when the loss of life hit close to home. Many DPSCS employees are from Liberia and have family who still live there and have lost loved ones.

Through coordination with a physician who has practiced in both Baltimore and Liberia, shipments will target many of the specific cities and towns where the family members of employees call home.

Affected employees were on hand on Thursday, October 30, 2014, in the lobby at Baltimore Central Booking & Intake Center located at 300 E. Madison Street, when the supplies were handed over for shipment, including one correctional officer who has lost more 20 members of her family.