LETTER: Protect Maryland’s Waterways



Re: Protect Maryland’s Waterways

On the 42nd anniversary of the Clean Water Act, a new report from Environment America, “Waterways Restored,” highlights the success the law has meant for the Anacostia River, taking it from a state of horrific pollution to giving some hope that it will be safe for swimming and fishing in little more than a decade.

All of Maryland’s waters deserve a success story, but right now, a loophole in the Clean Water Act has left over 10,000 miles of our state’s waterways, including those that feed into the Anacostia river, vulnerable to pollution.

Thankfully, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed closing this loophole to protect all of the state’s rivers and streams. The agency is taking public comments on its rule until November 14, but polluters like agribusinesses and big developers are waging a bitter campaign against it.

The Clean Water Act has meant progress for the Anacostia River, but its promise isn’t yet fulfilled. That’s why it’s so important for EPA to stand up to the polluters and restore safeguards to all of the rivers and streams that crisscross our state.

T. Aurelie Konin

Wheaton, MD