Networking event to pair minority, women-owned, small businesses with prime contractors


Traditionally, smaller businesses and those owned by women and minorities have faced challenges making critical business connections with larger companies with whom they could sub-contract on government projects. Baltimore County government and their partners are hosting a free “Meet the Primes” networking event to help foster those beneficial business relationships.

The 6th annual “Meet the Primes” event will take place on Wednesday, October 15, 2014, from 8 a.m. to noon at the Maryland State Fairgrounds— Timonium Exhibition Hall, located at 2200 York Road in Timonium.

More than 100 prime contractors and some 450 women-owned, minority-owned and other small businesses are registered to attend the event, which is designed to help prime contractors to identify potential subcontractors to fulfill participation subcontracting goals established by government agencies in their contracts. The exhibiting contractors will be available to discuss upcoming subcontracting opportunities.

Subcontractors are encouraged to come prepared to market their skills and abilities with a one page capability statement that clearly identifies past government and commercial work experience in their area of expertise as well as certifications and specialized licenses they hold.

Space is still available and registration information and a list of the 2014 exhibitors can be found at: under “Open House Invitation and Upcoming events.”

Businesses interested in learning more about the Meet the Primes event may contact Carla Tucker, Minority and Small Business Marketing Manager, Baltimore County Government at or call 410-887-3119.