Entrepreneur of the Week: Nena Welborn


This week’s entrepreneur of the week is Nena M. Welborn. Her passion for fashion and design has led her to the position of store manager for one of the biggest retail businesses in the country, Jos. A Bank.

Six months ago, a new store in the Creative Center, 1848 Reisterstown Road, in Pikesville opened and Welborn was tapped to be manager. On Saturday September 21, 2014, Welborn and her staff celebrated being number one in sales among new stores in the area. Welborn credits her fine staff with helping to achieve that goal.

Being an entrepreneur is not always about owning a business. It can also mean working at something you love and enjoy doing. According to Welborn, “I have loved fashion. So I worked places where I can do what I really had a passion for. I would encourage those looking to get into the fashion industry to gain some experience working in the field, to get a feeling of what it is like, work with people, and then try your hand at owning your business. Never give up on your dreams or whatever it is you enjoy doing.” Words of wisdom from our Entrepreneur of the Week, Nena M. Welborn.

Indie Soul welcomes your questions and comments. To contact Phinesse Demps, call 410-366-3900 ext. 3016 or 410-501-0193 or email: pdemps@btimes.com. Follow him on Twitter@lfpmedia.