Over the last few weeks Black America has been called to the mat on multiple social issues including child discipline, domestic abuse and let’s not forget about Ferguson. It’s time to circle the wagons and take a look at who we are as a people and be honest about important issues we tend to ignore. This week’s Indie Soul features thought provoking works meant to inspire positive thinking and actions.
Rise Up Black Man: This independent 2012 film never made it to the big screen but producers didn’t stop trying to bring it to the masses. Thanks to determination and hard work, the film will be released nationwide on DVD on September 27, 2014. Starring newcomers Victor Muse, Prince Duren and Dustin Morby, the film is about friendship and racism, not from whites but from our people. The film also addresses religious leaders who take advantage of church members and the black community. It is also about the choices we make, the people we choose to associate with, and who we want to love. It’s a decent film with many powerful messages. It’s worth the investment. For more information about the film, visit: www.riseupblackman.com.
Man Up! Nobody is Coming to Save Us: Back in 2006, Indie Soul interviewed Steve Perry, the author of the book “Man Up! Nobody is Coming to Save Us,” who is now a CNN correspondent. “Man Up!” is a hard hitting, truthful look at what the black community must do to save itself. Steve Perry effectively calls to task organizations such as the NAACP and the black church, as well as Michael Eric Dyson and Cornell West for their role in the degeneration of the black community. Back in 2006, people may not have been ready to hear Perry’s message but now is the perfect time to go back and revisit what he has been saying and figure out collectively how to address issues in the black community. For more about Dr. Steve Perry, visit http://www.drsteveperry.org.