Rambling Rose: Tony Williams Jazz Festival; A Labor Day Music Barbecue


— Hello everyone! I just want to say happy Labor Day weekend to all of you. I hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend!

By the time you read this, I will already be in Philadelphia, getting ready to do my thing at the Tony Williams Scholarship Jazz Festival as I have done for the past 24 years. I am sorry I won’t be able to attend any of the local events this weekend, but I wish you much success and I hope your event is well attended.

I know many of you will be gathering with family and friends at your homes, in your backyards and perhaps the parks with boom boxes jumping with your favorite music— and that’s okay! But you know me— I love live entertainment, so I will be at a jazz music barbecue in Philadelphia. The Tony Williams Scholarship Jazz Festival as always is Labor Day Weekend, August 29 to September 1 at the Philadelphia Airport Embassy Suites, 9000 Bartram Avenue in Philadelphia. Pennsylvania.

Bill Cosby is a regular fixture every year doing stand-up comedy or playing drums with his hometown buddies band, called “Bill Cosby & The Reunion Band” at the Tony Williams Jazz Festival on Labor Day weekend August 29th thru September 1st at the Philadelphia Airport Embassy Suites.

Bill Cosby is a regular fixture every year doing stand-up comedy or playing drums with his hometown buddies band, called “Bill Cosby & The Reunion Band” at the Tony Williams Jazz Festival on Labor Day weekend August 29th thru September 1st at the Philadelphia Airport Embassy Suites.

The entertainment is always awesome. The menu for the barbecue cookout is quite fitting for the occasion. The musicians’ cooking at this year’s cook-out will be Walter Clark with his buttery tenor sax; Kenny Gates will play sweet sounds on the piano while Tony Williams gets saucy with the tenor sax. Don’t forget vocalist Barbara Walker whose luscious voice rounds out the group like a good peach cobbler tops off a summer barbecue.

Members of the Council of Jazz Advocates and co-founders of the Tony Williams Scholarship Jazz Festival are: the late Ronnie Wells, President, Thelma Anderson and the late Mildred Twitty.

Members of the Council of Jazz Advocates and co-founders of the Tony Williams Scholarship Jazz Festival are: the late Ronnie Wells, President, Thelma Anderson and the late Mildred Twitty.

The music is jumping, the grills are smoking, but wait a minute… In comes funny man Bill Cosby with T-bone steaks. He’s doing stand-up comedy while beating a snare drum. Okay, some of the guests are down home folks, so the cookout needs a little Frank Bey for some bluesy collard greens. His band throws in the ham-hocks for some extra seasoning.

Putting the icing on the cake, the chief, Tony Williams has everybody take off their shoes while he plays some down home blues. While fixing me a drink, Miss Justine’s Ensemble sings her song. Hosts Rosalee Boyer and husband Chris make sure everyone is happy, while the co-founder, Thelma Anderson oversees vendors with a smile on her face. You can still join the party by calling 215-364-4500 to get your ticket and make reservations. The “After the Festival Party” is the “Blue Monday Jam” at LaRose Jazz Club, 5531 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. I will see you there!

In Baltimore, “Homeless Support Services” is hosting a “Fundraiser Cabaret” on August 30 from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Pikesville Town Hall located at 40 East Sudbrook Lane in Pikesville, Maryland. Music will be played by DJ Jammon Jess with free beer, food and setups. Don’t forget to BYOB your favorite beverage. For more information, call 443-604-6651.

Well, my dear friends, I have to go. It is party time. Remember, if you need me, call me at 410-833-9474 or you can email me at rosapryor@aol.com. UNTIL THE NEXT TIME, I’M MUSICALLY YOURS.