Help kids stay organized for a fresh start this school year


— Back-to-school time means another year of tests, team tryouts and club meetings — but it also means an opportunity for students to have a fresh start. Whether your kid is an ace academic or has found it challenging to stay on top of a to-do list, there are many ways to get prepared for a successful school year.

By studying smarter, staying organized and keeping motivated, students can learn to juggle it all.

Study Tips

Cramming at the last minute doesn’t work. Encourage your student to start studying well in advance of test day. Pacing during study time gives the brain a better opportunity to absorb information.

In many ways, the pen is mightier than the computer, particularly when it comes to taking notes. Writing notes down is almost like etching them into your subconscious. Formulating the words and reviewing them as you go is the best way to retain materials.


When it comes to lockers, backpacks and school supplies, organization is everything. Different systems work for different students. For example, some prefer to arrange their lockers by sequence of the day, whereas others prefer to sort items by subject or color. The important thing is finding a system that works and sticking to it.

Use tools to support the system and help maximize sought-after real estate. For lockers lacking shelf space, consider creating your own — just be sure the solution is durable. The Five Star Stackable Locker Shelf is made with heavy-duty plastic, can hold up to 150 pounds and can be stacked one on top of the other for double the shelf space.


Your locker is a home base during the school day, so make it your own with artwork, photos, and a dry erase board. It’s also an area to refresh — so consider hanging a mirror, like the Five Star Foam Mirror + Storage accessory which not only acts as a mirror but also a space to hang notes and store pens, pencils, cell phones or calculators.

Encourage students to decorate notebooks and binders with stickers and drawings, or choose their supplies based on favorite styles and colors. Just be sure the items chosen are highly functional. Multi-use supplies, such as the Five Star Flex Hybrid NoteBinder, acts like a notebook and works like a binder, making it easy for students to have everything they need in one convenient area. 

Stay Focused

If your kid is rocking out to their favorite song, while texting their best friend about the latest gossip, then you can guarantee they aren’t concentrating on homework. Turn off the distractions and the work will get done faster and more accurately.

More study and organizational tips can be found at

For better grades and more success, get this school year started on the right foot.