LETTER: Israelis and Palestinians must share the land



Re: Israelis and Palestinians Must Share the Land

I watched with horror as news footage of a battery of Israeli self propelled (SP) heavy artillery guns firing on Palestinian homes, schools and hospitals. I thought it uncivilized that such firepower could be unleashed on defenseless civilians including women and children of which over 1000 have been killed so far.

I am familiar with the SP because my army unit in Vietnam in 1968 deployed the weapon. Back then, like the Israelis today, we were under rocket fire but we were not allowed to use our heavy artillery because the rocket fire was coming from a nearby Michelin rubber plantation. They worried that our heavy return fire would damage the rubber trees. We took causalities but the trees were saved.

We were not allowed to use our heavy weapons on trees but the Jews are using their artillery, tanks and fighter jets on defenseless men, women and children. It is as if the Jews have replaced the Nazis and are now the executers of the “Final Solution.” The only difference today is that the Jews are the killers and the Palestinians are the victims.

I believe that people are more important than trees. In fact people are the most precious thing on this earth and should not be treated like sub-humans beaten, starved and slaughtered into submission.

The United States, Israel’s main supporter must step in and stop the killing.

There are 350 million people in the Middle East most of them are Arabs. In Israel there are 4.4 million Jews. The numbers are not in Israel’s favor. Israel will have to share the land with the Palestinians or leave the Middle East.

Elie Parker

San Leandro, CA