Hello my friends! How are you? The weather has been great hasn’t it? I know my “Boo-Boo” and I have been enjoying it. I have so much to tell you this week and I hope that I will get it all in.
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Shirley Duncan, “Baltimore Hand Dancing Queen” finally got her props from her peers. She received an award for being a pioneer in the Hand Dance Community in Baltimore from “The Crew,” headed by Jesse, a popular hand dancing group at Caton Castle.
First of all I want to say that Tessa Hill-Aston, president of the Baltimore City Branch of the NAACP invites you to take a bus/shopping trip to the Cow Town Flea Market and Rodeo in Piles Grove, New Jersey on Saturday, August 9, 2014 from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. I am going to tell you now, wear comfortable shoes!— this place is huge with a lot of places to eat and hundreds of vendors that sell everything. Buses will leave from 8 W. 26th Street in Baltimore. For more information or tickets, call Joe Aston 443-226-9459. Now our girl, Tessa informed me that she received the “2014 Thalheimer Award” from the National NAACP at the National Convention recently in Las Vegas. The Thalheimer Award is named after noted Johns Hopkins University educator and philanthropist Dr. Ross Thalheimer and is the top award given to branches for outstanding achievements. So I want to say, “CONGRATS!” my friend, you deserve it.
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“The Palovations,” Motown group with Triple Treat, Vision Band and others will do a tribute to Motown & the Philly sound will perform at the newly renovated Arch Social Club, 2426 Pennsylvania Avenue on Sunday, August 3, from 55-10 p.m. For tickets and information, call 410-905-0169.
On Saturday, August 16, 2014, one of my favorite musicians will be headlining the show at the Caton Castle located at 20 South Caton Avenue— the one and only Greg Hatza Organ-ization for Vernard Gray & friend’s birthday celebration. Honey child! Let me tell you what God loves; that will be a hell-la-va show. It will start at 6 p.m.
MJ Productions is hosting a “Black & White Cabaret” on Saturday, August 2, 2014 from 8 p.m. until 1 a.m. at the Pikesville Community Center located at 40 E. Sudbrook Lane in Pikesville. Live entertainment will be provided by the Rollex Band and DJ Mike Jones. For tickets, call 443-525-5016.
Jackson & Johnson Memorial Post #263 American Legion is hosting a Crab Feast & Buffet on Saturday, August 2, from 1-5 p.m. at the Patapsco Arena, 3301 Annapolis Road in Baltimore. For details and tickets, call 410-869-7750.
The Red Hat Hons are also hosting a “Summer Crab Feast” catered by the Corinthian Restaurant & Lounge. “The Crab Crew” is: Pat, Gail, Verna, Perk, Brenda, Carlotta, and Janet. The event will take place on Saturday, August 9 from 2-6 p.m. at 7107 Windsor Mill Road. For more information, call Pat Wheatley at 410-922-9231.
Carlos Hutchins, the hardest working club promoter on the east coast and his organization TREA Chapter #9 is running a bus trip to American Legion Post #527 in Rankin, Pennsylvania on Saturday, August 23. Buses leave from Rolling Road in Catonsville, Maryland at 7 a.m. The trip includes, transportation, overnight suite accommodation, the casino and the “Wemco Club’s annual Pig Roast and Barbeque.” For more information, call Billy Settles at 410-504-2571 or Carlos at 443-963-5711
This Saturday, Aug 2, James Hamlin, the owner of the “Avenue Bakery” is hosting another Courtyard Summer Music Series featuring “Campbell & Company Jazz” from 4-8 p.m. at 2229 Pennsylvania Avenue in the Bakery’s Courtyard. It is open and free to the public. Food and drinks are on sale. I will see you there.
Oh my goodness, folks I am out of space, but before I go I want you to keep praying for the sick & shut-ins: Lou Laws a member of the “Bleu Lights”, Milton Dugger’s group is in Good Samaritan Hospital and Phil Towns, a member of the same group is in University Hospital. Milton Dugger, the manager and owner of the “Bleu Lights” R&B group was recently released from the hospital and is home. Get well soon guys.
Remember my friends, if you need me, call me at 410-833-9474 or email me at rosapryor@aol.com. UNTIL THE NEXT TIME, I’M MUSICALLY YOURS.