BALTIMORE — Hello everyone! What beautiful weather we have been having in the city! With this wonderful weather people are able to take advantage of the outdoors, the neighborhoods and community festivals, which are not only free but very entertaining. Have you checked any of them out yet? If not, shame on you.
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Ronald Hamilton, president and one of the five founders of Metro Showcase, an African-American company that started in 1984. Metro Showcase travels around Baltimore with Videographer, Andre Copeland and captures live performances on videotape and is shown on “First Impressions” Channel 75 in Baltimore City every Friday and Saturday night.
Unless you are bed ridden, you need to get out and enjoy God’s sunshine with music in the air.
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Jeff & Shirley Supik are historians who brought and renovated an old house in a small community, called Rockdale in Baltimore County which was built two hundred & eighteen ago in 1791 by Michael and his wife Nancy Emmart. Read about how it is connected with the “Underground Railroad” and Harriet Tubman. The first recorded history of the house was in 1806. Now called “The Emmart Pierpont Safe House” and located at Dogwood and Rolling Roads. It is open for touring. For more information, go to website: or email Mr. & Mrs. Supik at
Every Wednesday in the Liberty Court Shopping Center, adjacent to the Randallstown Library on Liberty and Old Court Roads at 8604 Liberty Road you can stop by the Farmers Market from 1-5 p.m.
The “Water Front Festival” in Columbia, Maryland with live free entertainment, concerts, vendors including beer and wine on sale is another great venue. This outdoor event allows you to bring your blankets, folding chairs, picnic baskets and enjoy the atmosphere and music starting at 6 p.m. on July 19, 20, 23, 26 and 31. For more details, call 410-716-3161.
You must not forget my fundraiser; the Rosa Pryor Music Scholarship Fund Oldies but Goodies Crab Feast on Saturday, July 19, 2014 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the VFW Post located at 6506 Philadelphia Road in Rosedale,
Maryland 21237. We feature all the crabs you can eat with free draft beer, a cash bar, a full dinner buffet and music by DJ Sugar Chris. Donation is only $50.00. For tickets, call Rosa at 410-833-9474. Tickets will not be sold at door! Go to the website: by Friday, July 18 and pay for your ticket on PayPal to reserve your seat.
*Eleanor Janey, Baltimore’s musician promoter, is ill and resting at home. Please keep her in your prayers.
*Bobby Ward, renowned Baltimore Drummer, hurt his hand and had major surgery and is now in rehabilitation.
*Bernard “Big Head Brother” Lee passed away last week and his funeral was Monday, July 21st at Unity United Methodist Church. Keep his family in your prayers.
Well, my dear friends, I am out of space. Enjoy the rest of your week. Remember, if you need me, call me at 410-833-9474 or email me your events to UNTIL THE NEXT TIME, I’M MUSICALLY YOURS.