BALTIMORE — Black Writers Guild of Maryland (BWG) champions the literary arts with its writers’ conference “Beyond the Writing” on Saturday, June 7, 2014 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Morgan State University in Student Union Bldg. 12 in Baltimore City.
The conference provides workshops and a panel discussion offering insights and information to empower writers to do the things required once their book is completed.
The conference also includes a keynote address by Sheri Booker, Baltimore’s national best-selling author of the critically acclaimed memoir “Nine Years Under, Coming of Age in an Inner City Funeral Home,” (Gotham 2013) based on her nine-year experience in the funeral business. Booker recently won the NAACP Image Award for Debut Author.
Presenters and workshops at the “Beyond Writing Conference” will include:
·Writing instructor Terence Cooper will present Essential Secrets of the Writing Craft
·Author Allegra Bennett will present 12 Steps to Self-Publishing Success
·Attorney and author Tonya Evans will present The Legal Matters that Matter to Writers
·PR/marketing experts PR Consultant Cherrie Woods and Kevin Wayne Johnson will share a panel discussion on the role marketing and PR―how to build your brand, sell your books and get media coverage.
“This is an exciting time for Black Writers Guild,” says BWG President and author, James Wright. “We are in a period of steady growth and program building. This conference is part of that growth.”
For more information or to register for the conference, visit:, call 443-671-7743 or email