Indie Soul Entrepreneur of the Week: Caprice Smith


There is a saying that “Whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you strong.” This week’s entrepreneur, Caprice Smith, is no stranger to making it through the worst times, to becoming one of the most empowering individuals in the Baltimore area.

The former detective for the Baltimore City Police finally understands her purpose and has set her sights on helping others. “You would think that having a wonderful husband, beautiful children and a great job, regardless of how stressful it was, that I would be happy, but I wasn’t,” said Smith.

Smith was hiding from a painful past which in reality was holding her back from accomplishing what she needed to do. Caprice says, “I knew I was supposed to do something greater and I knew God had a plan for me.” The first thing Caprice had to do was write a book. Even though it told some deep dark secrets exposing some family issues, it was needed so she could heal and improve her own relationship with her kids and husband. Her book, “Uncuffed Behind My Smile,” was the catalyst for her to take back her life. “Sharing my story with others, I saw my purpose, which was to help others” states Smith.

From there, came SharperMinds Consulting. “It is our mission to develop tomorrow’s leaders by sharpening their ability to deal with today’s issues. SharperMinds Consultants are internally motivated to awakening the consciousness of tomorrow’s leaders through a realization of core societal values and by facilitating positive thinking, to ultimately lend way to a fruitful and contributive existence,” she says.

For more on Caprice Smith: