AIMA Men’s Ministry receives $500 donation at prayer breakfast


The Annapolis Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance (AIMA) Men’s Ministry held its Quarterly Prayer Breakfast on March 29, 2014 at Mt. Moriah AME Church in Annapolis. Over 80 men attended the event and were treated to an excellent breakfast and a special message from Rick Anthony, director of Recreation and Parks for Anne Arundel County.


(Courtesy photo)

AIMA presented a certificate and AIMA t-shirt to Rick Anthony. (L-r): George Redd, Morgan Smith, Clifton Johnson, Rick Anthony, Terrance Jones, Ralph Thomas and Charles Fuller.

AIMA Men’s Ministry received a donation of $500 to the Discretionary Fund from Dr. Vivian Gist and Anthony Spencer, MPA to support the organization’s ambitious community outreach projects including a men’s retreat; preparing a special meal at Light House Shelter; and initiating a mentoring program.

AIMA Men’s Ministry requested each church bring as many youth as they could sponsor to the Prayer Breakfast. Mount Moriah AME Church had the most young people in attendance and each won a gift bag from Rick Anthony, the key note speaker. Rick Anthony was presented with an AIMA T-shirt and a certificate honoring him for his many contributions to the citizens of Anne Arundel County.

The next Prayer Breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, May 31, 2014 at St. Matthews UMC in Shady Side. All men are invited to join us for the Second Annual Retreat.

For more information about the Annual Retreat, email Clifton Johnson at: