BALTIMORE — Self-determination is what drives this week’s Entrepreneur of the Week: Martia “Tia” Davis.
Davis operates a business under the name of Misterie Creations, which includes a radio show called “Misterie Loves Company” on the BlogTalkRadio Network and writing and publishing books. Davis also owns a boutique, Misterie Creations, located in the Mt.Vernon area. On top of all that, she is on track to graduate with a degree from the University of Baltimore.
The parent of two wonderful boys, Kyree and Kearie, Davis is setting an example for her sons to never just settle working for someone but learn to be independent and do what you love. “I decided to put my hobbies and interests to use. I figured it would be nice to do something I really enjoy and make money, while providing something others can also enjoy. I have always loved art in all genres, from fashion to music to poetry,” said Davis.
Her advice to others? “My advice is to find something you love to do and that will make a profit and you will be successful at doing. Make sure you are committed. Don’t let minor setbacks influence your goals. Always stay focused on your mission and purpose and have fun!”
For more information about Misterie Creations, visit: or email: or call 443-579-4589
Indie Soul welcomes your comments and questions. To contact Phinesse Demps, call 410-366-3900 ext. 3016 or 410-501-0193 or email: Follow him on Twitter @lfpmedia.