Arena football returns to Baltimore


Baltimore, are you ready for some football? The National Football League season is over but that doesn’t mean that your hunger for football can’t be fed. On March 20, Arena Football returns to the area in the form of a familiar team, the Baltimore Mariners.

Arena Football Marketing Director, Brian Slater says the Mariners are full of passion for the game and the city of Baltimore. “Make no mistake, we are the Baltimore Mariners you fell in love with. We will deliver the same family-friendly, fast-action game of football we always have, but with a new drive, passion, and dedication to community.”

The season officially opens March 20 when the Mariners face the A.S.I. Panthers. Arena football was formed in 1987. It consists of teams of eight players rather than 11 and is played indoors on a 50 yard field instead of the regular 100 yards. There will be a section on the website, to help interested fans with any rule questions that they may have.

The new owners want Baltimore to embrace the team and come out to the games. Slater said they toyed with the idea of changing the name when they took over the franchise. “Ultimately, we decided that the Mariners had been a staple in the community for some time with a devoted fan base,” he said. “Rather than building a new team from the ground up, we thought it more appropriate to breathe new life into the team you fell in love with.”

Home games will be held at the Baltimore Arena at 201 W. Baltimore Street. Internships and sponsorship opportunities are available. Email Brian Slater for more details at

For information regarding tryouts and to stay updated on team happenings, visit