Anthony Michael Hobbs: Talented eight-year-old is one ‘Classy Act’


— This actor was in Finish Line’s 2013 holiday marketing campaign, appearing in the athletic retailer’s in-store displays, catalogs and in their website promotions. His acting credits also include appearing in a DreamWorks documentary, a United Way PSA, and a Norwegian Cruise-Line commercial that airs during the cruise-line voyages. He has also played a supporting role in an Emmy-nominated PBS docuseries.

This talented actor has amassed quite an impressive resume— and he is only eight-years-old. He is Baltimore native Anthony Michael Hobbs.

The third grader has also appeared in a Baltimore County Recycling commercial, a Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger commercial, and a USDA’s Healthy Kids 2011 print campaign.

“I enjoy acting,” said Anthony. “I get to do a lot of traveling and meet a lot of new friends.”

Anthony portrayed “Young Frederick Douglass” in the 2013 Emmy-nominated PBS docuseries “The American Experience: The Abolitionist.” His performance garnered him rave reviews in publications such as The Catholic Review, the LA Watts Times, The Carib Press, Hype Magazine, and The Philadelphia Inquirer. It also earned him a trip to the Emmy Awards, which he says was his most memorable experience.

Kerri Moseley-Hobbs is Anthony’s mother. She said that Anthony has been acting since the age of four.

“He used to like a show called ‘True Jackson, VP’ that starred Keke Palmer,” recalled Moseley-Hobbs referring to the popular series, which aired on Nickelodeon from 2008 to 2011. “He also saw Keke Palmer in a Tyler Perry film and was fascinated with the idea of her doing another role. He fell in love with the idea of doing the same thing.”

According to Moseley-Hobbs, Anthony fully commits himself to any role he has landed.

“Anthony is booking more and more jobs,” she said. “He doesn’t have to audition as much these days. Now, he just gets calls for the job. As a parent, I am not allowed in the audition room. However, one of the things I am told by the audition personnel is that they can tell he is really passionate about what he does. I am also more of a supporter of what he does than a pusher.”

She added, “The audition personnel also say he really enjoys what he is doing, and they fall in love with him. To be eight-years-old, Anthony is very responsible, mature and classy. He knows what is expected of him and will deliver.”

Anthony has also appeared in several PBS Sprout Network mini-segments, in a PSA for the American Association of Poison Control Centers, and in a segment of the “SkWids” kids’ on-line Internet show at

He is also the winner of eight Global Stars Network acting awards. When Anthony is not acting, he plays sports, takes Tae kwon do and dance lessons, and spends time with his dog. Anthony attends a Baltimore County Catholic school.

“I may get a call and need to get Anthony to New York right away,” said Moseley-Hobbs. “While other moms have cars that are full of soccer, karate, basketball and other sports gear, my vehicle also contains suitcases of wardrobe and other things. It’s pretty exciting because you never know what tomorrow will bring.”

Anthony’s credits also include “KinderRhyme” which appears in over 2,600 school programs, while his voice is featured in an instructional video for advertising firm TBWA World Wide.

“Sometimes I have to learn a lot of lines, and sometimes I don’t,” said Anthony. “I do a lot of practicing. I read over lines a lot. I just keep reading them over and over and over again until I get the lines down.”

Anthony said he sees himself being “a big star one day.” In addition to acting, he also aspires to be a scene designer, director, editor, and model. He will be appearing in the musical “Seussical Jr.” which opens at Pumpkin Theatre in the spring.

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