Maryland Tobacco Quitline provides free medication to help smokers quit


— November 21, 2013, is the Great American Smokeout® – providing Maryland residents who need help quitting tobacco the perfect opportunity to make the decision to enroll in the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s Maryland Tobacco Quitline.

As part of an ongoing program to help tobacco users ready to quit, residents who are 18 and older may be eligible for four free weeks of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), either patches or gum.

Using NRT not only improves quit outcomes, but also reduces the discomfort associated with quitting. Though the Maryland Tobacco Quitline wants as many people as possible to participate in the Great American Smokeout®, this NRT benefit is ongoing, so even those that miss November 21 can still participate.

Maryland state residents can take advantage of the free NRT and other program benefits offered by the Quitline by calling 1-800-QUIT-NOW. The program gives participants access to a trained Quit Coach® who will help them on their road to freedom from tobacco. The Maryland Tobacco Quitline offers free, confidential coaching support for residents of Maryland 24 hours a day/seven days a week, along with Web Coach online support, Text2Quit messaging, and free patches or gum to eligible participants.

Tobacco users can call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) or visit today to enroll in the program and talk to a Quit Coach®. Registration specialists and Quit Coaches® are available 24 hours a day.