Volunteer at the Kunta Kinte Heritage Festival


Volunteer opportunities are available to help with the Kunta Kinte Heritage Festival 2013 being held at the Annapolis City Dock. The annual Kunta Kinte Heritage Festival, coordinated by Kunta Kinte Celebrations, Inc., raises an awareness of the African-American heritage and the common challenges encountered by all ethnic groups striving to preserve their culture.

The festival will be held at the Annapolis City Dock on Saturday, September 28, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Volunteer opportunities are available in the following areas: set up, refreshments, clean up, children’s activities, and more. For more information, contact: KuntaKinteCelebrations@gmail.com or call 443-852-7784 or visit: www.kuntakinte.org