Save some money: shop Maryland tax-free week


Just in time for back-to-school shopping, Comptroller Peter Franchot announced that his office is gearing up for Shop Maryland, the state’s tax-free week. Beginning Sunday, August 11, consumers who purchase clothing and shoes priced $100 or less will be spared the states six percent sales tax for one week, ending Saturday, August 17, 2013.

“This initiative helps consumers and gives retailers a boost in these financially unstable times,” said Comptroller Peter Franchot. “All Maryland families have been impacted by the national recession and they deserve this annual tax break as they prepare to send their kids back to school.”

Resulting from legislation passed in the 2007 special session of the Maryland General Assembly, a tax-free week will occur every year during the second week in August, until the legislature decides to revisit the issue. During this period, each qualifying article of clothing or footwear selling for $100 or less is exempt from sales tax, regardless of how many items are purchased at the same time.

Businesses selling items that are not eligible for inclusion in the tax-free week can still participate in Shop Maryland. Under “Sellers Privilege,” other unqualified merchandise can be sold tax-free but the retailer is responsible for paying the sales tax owed to the state.

“During the back-to-school shopping season, tax-free week provides Maryland consumers with both an opportunity to shop at their local stores and to save six percent on clothing and shoes under $100 per item,” said Patrick Donoho, president of the Maryland Retailers Association.

For more information on qualifying items, visit the Comptroller of Maryland’s website at or e-mail: or call 410-260-7980 in Central Maryland or toll-free at 1-800-MD-TAXES.