Stay cool, hydrated and informed this summer


Summer is here and with it comes the sweltering Baltimore heat. A new study shows that heat-related deaths are on the rise. In a 2-week period in 2012, excessive heat exposure resulted in 32 deaths in 4 states, four times the typical average for those states for the same 2-week period from 1999-2009.“

Robin Ikeda, Acting Director of the National Center for Environmental Health says with the proper precautions no should die from the heat. “Heat-related illnesses and deaths are preventable,” she says. “Taking steps to stay cool, hydrated and informed in extreme temperatures can prevent serious health effects like heat exhaustion and heat stroke.”

No one should die from a heat wave, but extreme heat causes more deaths than any other weather event. Extreme heat can lead to very high body temperatures, brain and organ damage, and even death. People suffer heat-related illness when their bodies are unable to properly compensate and cool themselves.

  • Stay cool by going to an air conditioned place and wearing light, loose clothing
  • Stay hydrated by drinking more water than usual and avoiding drinks with alcohol, caffeine, or carbonation
  • Stay informed by tuning in to heat-related alerts in your area
  • Watch for symptoms like muscle cramping, heavy sweating, rapid heartbeat, nausea, or fainting.

For more information on how to protect yourself from extreme heat visit the CDC.