Trendsitions: Shop & Soiree highlights Baltimore fashion


On Saturday September 20, 2014, local fashion retailers and designers hosted Trendsitions: Shop and Soiree,” an event designed to showcase Baltimore’s fashion scene.

The one-of-a-kind shopping experience offered clothing discounts at shops throughout Baltimore’s downtown neighborhoods. All of the shops were accessible by the Charm City Circulator, the free bus that takes you to Mt. Vernon, Fells Point, Harbor East, Downtown, and Harbor East.

The following locally owned and operated businesses participated: For RentShoes, Handbags in the City Baltimore, Katwalk-Boutique, Maja, Brightside Boutique, Zelda Zen, Amaryllis, Sassanova, South Moon Under, Christopher Schafer Clothier, Different Regard, Exclusively Yours Boutique, The Zone, Doll House, Loafers & Laces, Entropy Ink & Boutique, Poppy and Stella, Pink Label, Fashion Attic, Leah George Salon, Cupcake, Benedetto Men, Hats in the Belfry, LoveLace, The Showroom, Babe, Irene’s Emporium and Soul 2 Sole.

The event was fun and Indie Soul had a chance to visit many stores and even experience new sites in the city. We will keep you posted on future events because this certainly was not the last and what a way to support locally owned business, fashion, and art.

Indie Soul welcomes your questions and comments. To contact Phinesse Demps, call 410-366-3900 ext. 3016 or 410-501-0193 or email: Follow him on Twitter@lfpmedia.