Indie Soul Entrepreneur: LaRhonda Leigh Mobile Shoe Boutique


— “Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world”—Marilyn Monroe

This week’s entrepreneur of the week, LaRhonda Leigh, owner of the LaRhonda Leigh Mobile Shoe Boutique, aims to achieve, succeed and bring positivity to the world. “My goal is to be that example for women, especially young ladies, to show them how to be successful, smart women. To be able to give back to the community and to make a brand that will benefit my family” states Leigh.

LaRhonda Leigh Mobile Shoe Boutique started with a dream and a love of shoes. She credits her success to strong family support. LaRhonda nearly tears up when talking about her family and how they have been supportive. “Without my family, I would not be here. They have been there for me and so supportive. This is really for them” says Leigh.

LaRhonda Leigh Mobile Shoe Boutique is something to be seen. There is something for everyone, including men’s shoes. Yes men’s shoes. “LaRhonda Leigh Mobile Show Boutique has great shoes and they change based on the venue that I am at. There really is something for everyone, she say.

To find out the next location of LaRhonda Leigh Mobile or to shoes online, visit:

Indie Soul welcomes your questions and comments. To contact Phinesse Demps, call 410-366-3900 ext. 3016 or 410-501-0193 or email: Follow him on Twitter@lfpmedia.