Live the Life You Love!


“Love the Life You Live, Live the Life You Love” is a quote by Bob Marley that means more to me today than it ever has.

It’s been almost five years since my father passed away, and 11 days since I lost my grandfather. I won’t say it gets easier because the pain of physically not having both of these men in my life is unbearable. After attending both funeral services, I felt a spirit of tranquility simply because of the stories told on their behalf by strangers and loved ones exemplified the kind of men they were and proved that their duties here on earth were fulfilled.

This Bob Marley quote has been going through my mind a lot over this past week as my family and I mourned the loss, and celebrated the life, of my grandfather. When the physical body is gone you are left with the memories to cherish. I now understand that I have my angels watching over me and my number one goal is to make them proud.

While the loss of a loved one is always devastating it should also ignite a fire under you motivating you to live your best life.

Start thinking about the legacy you want to leave on earth. If you were gone tomorrow, what do you want people to say about you? What kind of person will they say you were? What kind of life will they say you lived? These are all thoughts that should cross your mind on a daily basis.

Life is short so, don’t waste your time not fulfilling your destiny. Here are a few factors to keep in mind when it comes to living your best life:

Change your attitude: A pessimistic view can alter your overall outlook on any and every situation. It’s so very important to stay positive each and every day of your life. I understand this may be difficult at times but it’s so important to see the bright side in every situation and encourage yourself. Keep your inner peace, recite positive affirmations and push yourself to reach your goals. Perception is everything; the way you perceive things, the way you see things, is ultimately the way things will play out in your life.

Fill your circle with positivity: Surround yourself with positive people who lift you up. You are a product of your environment therefore; you should always surround yourself with the best.

Be picky about who you keep around you because people can either inspire or drain you. Find the people that push you, challenge you, make you laugh, make you better, and make you happy.

Do what you love: What sets your soul on fire? If you are not feeling content or fulfilled, then it’s time to make a change. You were put on this earth with a purpose and your ultimate goal should always be to live your best life. Always push yourself to make your loved ones and yourself proud. Never settle for what is not destined for you and don’t allow the cards you’re dealt to determinewhere you end up. Your legacy is that important.

Losing someone will remind you just how short life is. You only have one life to live— what will your legacy be?

Positively Caviar, Inc. is non-profit organization focused on intensifying the message of positivity and optimism. Each month, a member of The Nucleus Team writes a column focused on mental and physical health tips, scientific studies, nutrition facts and stories that are positive in nature to support a purposeful and positive lifestyle. To learn more about the organization, The Nucleus Team or how you join our positive movement, visit: