Lolita A. Kelson presents: ‘It’s Not Personal …You know what it is. Real Men Feel’ book signing and conversation event


“After reading Steve Harvey’s book, although it was okay, I did not think it was something that represented men. So I set out to find out [and] to get the real thoughts and feelings of men.” —Lolita A. Kelson

This is not hate for Steve Harvey’s book, “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man,” but when my friends and I read the book, as men, we whole-heartedly disagreed with the content and felt the book judged men unfairly. So when Lolita Kelson walked into the Baltimore Times office to talk about her book, I was truly skeptical.

However, after she explained the premise of her book and I had a chance to check it out, I was sold and wanted to be part of the conversation about the book— “Real Men Feel.”

The event took place at Coppin State University with a panel discussion with both black and white men speaking to women and other audience members about how men actually feel and about relationships.

“Men have never been given a platform to express how they feel and their thoughts on dealing with women. I wanted to give them a chance to do that in a non-confrontational manner,” Kelson said. “This is not about women. For one, we as women need to listen and ask questions of our men in order to better our relationships with each other.”

The book is only 47 pages long and deals with topics like: “He means what he says-What did you hear?” “Be Yourself, Don’t pretend,” “He Hurts When…” “He Loves When…?” and many others.

“I never set out to write a book. This was an inspiration from God. These are the words of men— not mine. If we are going to be better wives, girlfriends, friends or family members, we have to give our men a chance to be heard.” Kelson said.

To purchase a copy of the book, visit:

Indie Soul welcomes your questions and comments. To contact Phinesse Demps, call 443-885-9183 or 410-501-0193 or email: Follow him on Twitter: @lfpindiesoul.