Indie Soul Student of the Week: Margaret Brent Elementary/Deer Park Middle School Students


Three hundred-ten students who attend Margaret Brent Elementary/Deer Park Park Middle School have made the grade to be students of the week.

They were chosen by Baltimore Ravens’ Jacoby Jones to receive tablets for excellence in academics. Jones’ foundation “Jacoby’s Playbook for Success” works with students to teach them to excel in academics, attitude, aptitude and athletics.

“In order to score big wins in life, these kids must choose daily to constantly devote themselves to educational success. For these students equipping themselves with the educational tools to get that competitive edge is important. I am blessed to be in a position to provide access to technology. I also let the students know you get your education, because no one can ever take that away from you,” said Jacoby Jones.

Kudos to Jacoby Jones for taking the time and for wanting to be a part of the community and kudos to those 310 students who put their education first. Congratulations on being the Indie Soul Students of the Week.

Margaret Brent Elementary/Deer Park Park Middle School is located at 4301 Raspe Avenue in Baltimore City. For more information about the Jacoby Jones program, visit: