The Stanton Community Center needs volunteers


The Stanton Community Center serves as a community resource that provides children and adults with recreational and cultural enrichment opportunities and health, medical, therapeutic, and counseling services.

The center displays historical portraits of Annapolis’ diverse community and features many offices, a multi-purpose gymnasium, commercial kitchen, fitness area, historic classroom, media center with computers, and two conference/meeting rooms. Volunteers, age 18 and up, are needed as academic tutors for elementary, middle and high school students in the After School Homework Program on Monday through Thursday, 3:00-6:00 p.m. from September–June to help with homework, core subjects, school projects and academic skills.

The program ends with a Homework Club Banquet to recognize students for their in-school academic accomplishments and for their after school Homework Club academic accomplishments. For more information contact Archie Trader at 410-263-7966 or Web site: at Department-Recreation & Parks.