Jackson named Dean of Student Services at AACC


Anne Arundel Community College has named Jacqueline S. Jackson, Ph.D., of Silver Spring as its new Dean of Student Services. In that position, she oversees services that impact students directly, such as counseling and advising, tutoring, testing, health services, student activities, student conduct and student achievement.

“We are very excited that Dr. Jackson brings a wealth of experience in both academic and student affairs,” said AACC President Dr. Dawn Lindsay.

Jackson comes to AACC from the University of the District of Columbia-Community College where she served as Dean of Academic Affairs and the Chief Academic Officer for the past five years. She gained student affairs experience as the class dean of juniors and seniors in her role as Associate Dean of Students at St. Olaf College. She also has worked with a national grant program aimed at strengthening campus-community partnerships as associate director for the Consortium for the Advancement of Private Higher Education and designed professional development programs as director of Educational Programs and Publications for ACPA-College Student Educators International. Her experience includes teaching in the Department of Educational Leadership Graduate School of Education and Human Development at George Washington University and serving as an educational consultant at Northern Virginia Community College.

She has helped shape the programs and policies of the colleges at which she has worked by becoming involved in committees focusing on strategy, assessment and budget planning, as well as volunteering time to organize cultural programs and to serve on dissertation committees. She also participates in professional education organizations. In one of these, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), she has served as a judge in the CASE Professor of the Year Awards program for the past several years.

Jackson has earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and a Master of Science degree in Community College Counseling and College Student Personnel from Western Illinois University and a Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education Administration from Old Dominion University.