RAMBLING ROSE: From my words to your ears


Hello everyone, it looks like it may be a beautiful weekend for us to go out and have some fun. “From my words to your ears,” just follow my lead and take notes. I have some very interesting things to tell you.

My good friend, James Hamlin the owner of a fantastic bakery on the Avenue, is not only an advocate for the community, but he is a baker, that’s right! He personally prepares and cooks his own rolls and pastries right on the premises in his glass building located at 2229 Pennsylvania Avenue— The Avenue Bakery. His rolls my dear, make you want to slap your grandmother. If you remember the home cooked rolls that Sampson’s use to bake, then double that and go get a dozen of Jim’s rolls. I promise you that you will keep coming back.


The Hamlin Family and the Royal Theater & Community Heritage Corporation host “A Taste of Jazz @ The Avenue Bakery” on Saturday, June 7, 2014 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. For more information, call: 443-280-2702.

Hamlin is a strong supporter of the Pennsylvania Avenue community and he shows this by offering free Courtyard Summer Music Series of Jazz and live entertainment right in the bakery’s courtyard. On Saturday, June 7, 2014 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. The Courtyard Summer Music Series and unveiling the Greg Tyler Collection on “A Night at the Royal Theater” includes live entertainment featuring Jim Dow on tenor sax and his band. It is free all summer long featuring performances by Baltimore’s most consummate musicians and performers with light fare and drinks available for purchase throughout the afternoon along with yours’ truly, Rosa “Rambling Rose” Pryor autographing her new book. I will have both of my books available, entitled “African American Community, History & Entertainment in Maryland.” The cost of the book is only $25.00. I will see you there.


(Courtesy Photo)

Shirley Duncan, and the Baltimore Hand Dance Association hosts a “Pre-Father’s Day All White Affair” on Sunday, June 8, 2014 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Promenade Sport Facility, 2605 Lord Baltimore Drive in Baltimore. Everyone must wear white— no exceptions. Rosa Pryor will be signing books at this event. For ticket information, call: 410-523-0575.

The Eastern Senior High School is calling all graduates of the class of 1969 to celebrate their 45th year class reunion on Friday, June 6, 2015 from 8 p.m. to midnight at the La Fontaine Bleu in Glen Burnie, Maryland. It is free for members of the graduating class of 1969 . It’s semi-formal attire and music is by the Panama Band. For more information, call Rose Cottman at 410-325-1726.

I attended the first “Royal Theatre Amateur Night,” hosted by The Bambou Entertainment Complex, 229 N. Franklintown Road last Monday night and it was great. Contestants from the Baltimore area performed by singing with a live band, called, Vizion Band 33.2. The mistress of ceremony was the one and only Ms. Maybell the comedian herself, and John Carrington, from Heaven 600 and the puppet man was the mascot who “boooooooed” you from the stage with his crazy dance and hickory stick. This fun event takes place every Monday night starting at 8:30 p.m. So if you are a karaoke fan or think you can sing to win a recording contract, check it out. For more information; call James Jones, the producer at 443-531-7138. I will see you there.

Well, my dear friends, I am out of time and out of space. Enjoy this great weather and guys, in case I don’t talk to you before next week, have a very happy Father’s Day.

If you need me, remember I am only a phone call away at 410-833-9474 or email me at rosapryor@aol.com. UNTIL THE NEXT TIME, I’M MUSICALLY YOURS.