Author Dr. Tamara D. England writes guide to help women find their authentic selves


— Many books have been written to help women discover who they are and become their authentic selves. However, Dr. Tamara D. England, a practicing minister, founder of “Nu Season, Nu Day Ministry, Inc.” and former speech language pathologist brings a fresh new book revealing personal discoveries, major breakthroughs and empowering self assessments for women in, “The Journey to Self: Who Knows What a Woman Can Be When She is Free to be Herself.”


(Courtesy Photo)

Dr. Tamara England

“The idea for this book came about at Nu Season Nu Day’s ‘Discovering Your Purpose Workshop’ in July 2012,” says Dr. England. The session, ‘Seeing Beyond the Surface’ created a lot of discussion and interaction and we simply ran out of time. It was then that I recognized just how much women needed to talk about finding their true selves through a deeper level of self-examination.”

The Journey to Self offers a unique inside look at what really takes place when a woman decides to stop being what she is ‘supposed’ to be and truly begins a personal journey beyond, what Dr. England calls, “the masquerade ball’ of life. Dr. England takes the reader on her own personal journey beyond her own masquerade ball and shares the spiritual experiences that completely changed her career and the direction of her life.

What makes The Journey to Self stand out from other spiritual books is that Dr. England provides much needed details concerning all aspects of her experience. She doesn’t just hand the reader a list of spiritual rules to follow, but rather, she lets them see firsthand what this experience revealed to her as she made changes in her own life. Also at the end of each chapter she poses questions that require further thought and discussion (either individually or as part of a discussion group). This helps the reader to realize and understand the reasoning behind her spiritual guidance and stories.

“This book is a source of strength, healing, and encouragement to anyone needing it,” says Bishop Jerome Stokes, founder and senior pastor of Church of the Redeemed of the Lord in Baltimore, MD. “The writing is concise and it has a powerful message of healing.”

According to an article by Melanie Lindner in, entitled, “What People are Still Willing to Pay For,” Americans spent $11 billion in 2008 on self-improvement books, CDs, seminars, coaching and stress-management programs–13.6 percent more than they did back in 2005, according to Marketdata Enterprises, an independent Tampa-based research firm.

In celebration and in support of sisterhood, Dr. England’s Nu Season Nu Day Ministry organization will host the Fourth Annual Sistahs’ Night Out, The Little Black Dress Event, an evening of food, fun and fellowship, including music by the popular Rollex Band on August 22, 2014 at 7 p.m. at the Catonsville Women’s Club located at 10 St. Timothy’s Lane in Catonsville, Maryland. Tickets are $50.