AACC student art show demonstrates students’ range


— See the wealth of creative artistic potential at Anne Arundel Community College’s Annual Student Art Show until April 24, 2014 at the Cade Center for Fine Arts Gallery on the Arnold campus.

Nate Larson, photographer and professor at Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), selected over 80 artworks for inclusion in the show from the more than 230 pieces submitted by students. Viewers can enjoy paintings, drawings, prints, photographs, video and sculpture that represent the range of AACC student artistic endeavors.

Larson also chose work from six students for purchase prizes. These exceptional artworks will enter the AACC Student Art Collection and remain on permanent display at the college. Larson’s selections include a mystery-laden self-portrait photograph by Maria Penayo of Odenton; Jim Earl of Crownsville’s sturdy modern intaglio print; a sensitive silver gelatin print by Tess Geissler of Arnold; a lithograph and colored paper study by Cathy Farrell Sheahan of Annapolis; “Cowgirl Kate” a striking painting by Amy Healey of Arnold; and an attenuated and red bust by Richard Starr of Crofton.

Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday, with evening hours Wednesday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. For more information, visit http://www.aacc.edu/visualarts/newsevents.cfm or call 410-777-7028.