Indie Soul: Review of the Week


This has been a very busy summer for IndieSoul. We have been to lots of shows from concerts to comedy to theater. We have also had some speaking engagements and been on a few radio shows— Thanks Anthony McCarthy! Most importantly, our readers and our fans love what we are doing and want more, so we will keep it going!

This week is dedicated to the POSITIVE black men who are making difference in their communities.


Marc Goggins

Marc Goggins: As the owner of Black Poetry Café ( and Black Revolution (, Mark Goggins has opened has opened the door for many of D.C., Maryland and Virginia poets and given them a platform to showcase their art. This

summer in Atlanta, Georgia marked the 8th Annual BPC Poetry Festival ( When this event first started, Goggins used his own funds, so that poets worldwide could come together to network and share. This year, Indie Soul in conjunction with our media partners MY SOUL RADIO ( honored him with an award for his dedication, hard work and his support of the arts, and in particular the independent artist. To his wife Mary, we say thank you for sharing your husband with us, without your support, none of what Mark does would be possible!

Chef Patrick: Usually a venue heats up because of the deejay, the dancers or the bands that come and perform. However, what makes Pearl’s Place a premiere hot spot is Chef Patrick! This guy is a phenomenal artist! Yes, I say artist because he designs meals that are out of this world! He is passionate about cooking! “I love the look on people’s faces when they taste what I create!” says Chef Patrick. Chef Patrick tells says that he is bipolar and has good days and bad days but the one thing that keeps him calm, is being in that kitchen. He is that diamond in the rough and Pearl’s Place is lucky to have him. Don’t just take it from me, please go and experience his cooking yourself. Pearl’s Place is located at 2578 Hollins Street in Baltimore City and is open daily from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. with Happy Hour from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.


Anthony Shoats: When black men say that they are entrepreneurs most people automatically presume that they are involved in the music business. However, this is not the case with Anthony Shoats. “I love to drive. I truly am blessed to be able to do what I do and more importantly show another side of being a black male who owns a business.” Shoats’ passion has now turned into one of the most respected services in the area. Serving the Maryland, D.C. and Virginia area, the name of his business, “Xquisite Transportation” says it all. His company provides professional, safe, prompt and reasonably priced service. He is a very humble man who always puts God first in everything he does. He tries to lead by example and values his company’s good reputation. For more information about Xquisite Transportation, call: 443-992-2844.

Indie Soul welcomes questions and comments. To contact Phinesse Demps, email: or call: 410-941-9202.