Maryland Job Corps education and training center accepting new students


— For eligible young people, ages 16 to 24, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Job Corps program provides a free education and training program that helps them learn a career, earn a high school diploma or equivalent credential and find and keep a good job. Job Corps centers began a new program year on July 1 and are accepting applications.

Job Corps students can receive hands-on training in more than 100 career fields, such as construction, business and finance, health care and information technology. The program also provides eligible, low-income students with room and board, counseling and mentoring services, living allowances and basic medical care. Students also can participate in on-the-job training at real work sites through work-based learning opportunities.

“Job Corps provides a unique opportunity for young people to launch their careers,” said Grace Kilbane, the national director for the Office of Job Corps. “Students attend academic and vocational classes, earn industry-recognized credentials, and learn critical life skills in preparation for a good job, continued education or military service. In today’s competitive employment environment, Job Corps is more important than ever, and we urge eligible youth to enroll.”

To learn about the Job Corps program, or to contact a center, call (800) 733-JOBS [5627]. You may also visit Job Corps online at or