AACC Dance Company will hold fall auditions September 3,5


AACC Dance Company will hold fall auditions in the Cade Center for Fine Arts Room 103, AACC Arnold campus, 101 College Parkway from September 3 and 5, 2013 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. each day. Dancers should come dressed to dance and plan to attend both days. No solos are required. The AACC Dance Company is celebrating its 25th anniversary, with special performances featuring alumni to be performed throughout the year. For the latest information on special performances or the dance program, call the Dance office at 410-777-7021 or visit: www.aacc.edu/dance.

The AACC Dance Company performs many company pieces to choreography designed by director Lynda P. Fitzgerald, coordinator of dance at Anne Arundel Community College. The next production of the troupe will be at 8 p.m. Dec. 5-7, in the Robert E. Kauffman Theater of the Pascal Center for Performing Arts at Anne Arundel Community College’s Arnold campus, 101 College Parkway. Contact the box office for information or tickets, 410-777-2457 or boxoffice@aacc.edu.