Passing a home to the next generation


Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service (MVLS), the largest provider of probono civil legal services to Marylanders in need, and the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) created the “ My Home, My Deed, My Legacy” program to help Marylanders experiencing financial hardships understand the importance of estate planning and ways to ensure their one wealth-building asset— their home— can pass to future generations.

MVLS’s remote “My Home, My Deed, My Legacy” clinic will be conducted via telephone on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. to help homeowners:

*Confirm their name is on the deed to their home

*Create estate plans

*Identify structures for avoiding pro- bate

*Navigate estate administration issues

Volunteer and staff attorneys will provide full representation for estate planning and other deed-related issues. This virtual clinic is produced in collaboration with Fight Blight Bmore, Parity Homes and Robinson Group.

Pre-registration is required. To register for free, contact John Kern at or call 443-451- 4082.

Maryland residents have access to estate planning resources, including online information (, a “Homeowner” hotline 443-451-4066 and support from volunteer and staff attorneys through clinics.