Rambling Rose: Hoppy Adams Foundation Announces 2019 Essay Contest Winners


Hello everyone, I hope everything is well with you. I have been a little under the weather but I am “Rambling Rose,” so I have to keep going. I spent a day and a night in St. Agnes Emergency Room. They gave me medication to keep the stomach spasms to a minimum until I am able to see my gastroenterologist (you know the stomach specialist) next week for a procedure to let me know what in the hell is going on with my stomach. Now friends don’t worry, I believe whatever they find during the procedure they will be able to fix it. All the bad, bad, bad stuff has already been ruled out, such as cancer, tumor, ulcer, and most of all pregnancy!

Okay, enough about me— prayers and faith will get me through this with my husband “Shorty” as a back-up!

Kelly Carter, owner of Grind & Wine Restaurant located 3627 Offutt Road in Randallstown, Maryland in the middle of the shopping center and her friends.

Kelly Carter, owner of Grind & Wine Restaurant located 3627 Offutt Road in Randallstown, Maryland in the middle of the shopping center and her friends.

Now, I want to talk about this fantastic foundation called the “Hoppy Adams Foundation.” I have supported this foundation since the beginning in November 2006. Founded by C.W. “Hoppy Adams” III, the son of the late “Hoppy Adams from Annapolis. Charles W. “Hoppy” Adams, Jr. was a very popular distinguished radio personality and executive vice president with radio station WANN in Annapolis for over 40 years. I remember hanging out with him back in the mid- and late 70s at the station and I got him to volunteer to be the Master of Ceremony at my shows in the Eastern Shore area. We became good friends and business partners. He was more than a radio personality, he was an active community activist and a behind the scenes, philanthropist. Thanks to his son “Hoppy Adams III,” (his namesake) had a vision Along with his partners, Gordenia Henson, Ciara Anguay and Monique Fisher, they continued his father’s legacy by forming the foundation to help children’s education; programs to promote and provide mentoring and counseling services to youth and adults; and facilitate sports and recreational activities for youth and adults.

Dr. Larry Blum presented the awards to Hoppy Adams Foundation 2019 Essay Contest winners. (Left to right) First place winner, Jibreel Ali of South River High School; second place winner, Mikayla Simms of Annapolis High School; and Charles Adams III the son of the late renowned radio personality, Hoppy Adams. Third place winner Alexis Seidel was unable to attend the event.

Dr. Larry Blum presented the awards to Hoppy Adams Foundation 2019 Essay Contest winners. (Left to right) First place winner, Jibreel Ali of South River High School; second place winner, Mikayla Simms of Annapolis High School; and Charles Adams III the son of the late renowned radio personality, Hoppy Adams. Third place winner Alexis Seidel was unable to attend the event.

This year the foundation awarded three deserving student scholarships as they do each year. This year students participated in an essay contest.The presentation took place at a luncheon at the Red Lobster restaurant in Annapolis. The scholarships honored the memory of Hoppy Adams, the legendary DJ of WANN Radio and Carr’s Beach. Thanks “Hoppy Adams, III for your love of giving. For more information about this foundation, call 410-266-6996.

Have lunch with Baltimore’s favorite comedian “Ms. Maybelle” every Thursday from 12-1 p.m. on 1010 AM WOLB. Her radio show is informative, funny, inspirational, gossip and entertaining, I am telling you with “Ms. Maybelle” at the mike, the station will never be the same. It is a one-of-a kind talk show.

Last but definitely not least, I want to thank all of our friends and fans for your support for the Jazz Expressways Foundation Breakfast last week in our new venue “the New All Saints Roman Catholic Church on Liberty Heights Avenue. We appreciate you.

Well, my dear friends, I got to go, I believe that pain is coming back again. But remember, if you need me, call me at 410-833-9474 or email me at rosapryor@aol.com. UNTIL THE NEXT TIME, I’M MUSICALLY YOURS.