Running for Exposure


Twenty-four people are running for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States. From where I sit, at least half of them are only running for exposure, for the Vice-Presidential nod, for Cabinet secretary, to push a platform, or to simply be seen. Their ambitions have made the process turgid and impractical, often amusing and only sometimes illuminating.

The candidates do best when they have time to expound on their ideas, as they did at Rev. William Barber’s Poor People’s Congress on June 17, or at Rev. Jesse Jackson’s National Rainbow Coalition International Convention June 28-July 2. Barber’s meeting drew nine candidates, each who had the opportunity to give a four-minute speech and 26 minutes of questioning from Rev. Barber.

The Rainbow PUSH gathering drew seven candidates who had about 15 minutes to address those assembled. Vice-President Biden, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and Mayors Bill Di Blasio and Pete Buttigieg had press conferences with Rev. Jackson. Senators Harris and Booker did not attend Rev. Jackson’s meeting, although Harris did get to Rev. Barber’s and pledged to support a debate dedicated to poverty issues.

With a crowded field and calendar, it is clear that everybody can’t be everywhere, but I’d like the two African American Senators to explain why they snubbed Rev. Jackson, a leader who provided the very foundation for them to run for office.

Memo to Andrew Yang; Marianne Williamson; Montana Governor Steve Bullock; Miramar, Florida Mayor Wayne Messam; and a few others, what are you running for, really? You’ve got ideas— doesn’t everybody? But you have about as good a chance of being President as the proverbial snowball has a chance of surviving Hades. You’ve raised a little money, and you’ve got a skeleton staff. Why not sit home and write op-eds about your good ideas? Somebody will publish them.

Memo to California Congressman Eric Swalwell— age baiting is neither thoughtful nor cute. It’s fine to tell Vice-President Joe Biden to “pass the torch” once, but to say it more than once seems like badgering and makes you look like a junior high school heckler. Biden should have come back at you for hedging your bets. You told the San Francisco Chronicle that, while you are running for President, you haven’t closed the door on keeping your congressional seat. You have until December to decide, you say. Do us all a favor. Decide now!

Memo to Beto O’Rourke. Just like the South lost the Civil War, you lost the Senate race in 2018. Losing a statewide competition is hardly the foundation for a successful Presidential run. You were a nondescript Congressman who sponsored little legislation, a Democratic sensation mainly because you came close to toppling the odious Senator Cruz. But what do you stand for other than white male exuberance, jumping up on tables with the wild hand gestures? Run for Senate in Texas again. Maybe you’d win and really make a difference!

Memo to Julian Castro. Don’t patronize your own community by speaking Spanish poorly. I think Latino people care more about your policy positions than your Spanish language ability. Good move in going after Beto O’Rourke in the debates on immigration issues. Wrong move in missing the Poor People’s Congress after confirming that you’d be there.

Memo to Vice-President Biden. You’re better than your act, better than your debate performance, better than your wandering, long-winded speeches. I know you’ve been doing you for a long time, and the wordy gaffes seem to work for you. Actually, they don’t. There’s nothing wrong with saying you made a mistake, nothing wrong with apologizing to Anita Hill, which you haven’t done yet, nothing wrong with talking about busing unapologetically. If you don’t get your act together, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris are going to make mincemeat out of you.

It’s only July, seven long months before the February 3, 2020, Iowa caucuses. Only eight months before the delegate-rich Super Tuesday, March 3, 2020, when at least 15 states, including Texas and California, will hold primaries, and 1321 Democratic delegates will be up for grabs. It’s the beginning of July, and by month’s end, there will be yet another debate with 20 people on the stage in two clumps. We won’t learn much at these debates, because they are less debate than guided conversation with interruptions and outbursts.

What we must know, even at this point in July, is that all twenty-four candidates aren’t running for President. At least half of them are simply running for exposure, and most of the nation is not paying attention. Can you name all 24 candidates without the use of Google? Probably not. I got to 21 before I had to check. I left out Massachusetts Congressman Seth Moulton, former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel, and Montana Governor Steve Bullock. They’ve made quite an impression! Running for exposure is a costly venture and a Constitutionally guaranteed right. I’m not so sure it’s a good idea, at least where some of these candidates are concerned.

Julianne Malveaux is an author and economist. Her latest project MALVEAUX! On UDCTV is available on For booking, wholesale inquiries or for more info, visit