Deborah’s Voice To Hold National Rally In D.C.


For 27 hours, Genelle Guzman-McMillan was trapped beneath the rubble at the World Trade Center following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2011. She had reported to the 64th floor of the north tower, and was racing down the stairs for her life when the building collapsed around her. Guzman-McMillan would be the final person found alive amidst the death and destruction of Ground Zero.

Guzman-McMillan, author of the book “Angel in the Rubble,” has a powerful story of faith and survival. She is among the inspirational women slated to speak at The Deborah’s Voice national rally on Saturday, September 29, 2018 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.

“Awake. Arise. Advance” is the call of the rally, which includes a dynamic line-up of women who have overcome incredible odds. The goal of the event is to bring awareness to human slavery and forced child prostitution.

Pastor Diane Mullins is the founder of Deborah’s Voice.

“Women who have been victimized by human slavery are very fearful,” said Pastor Mullins, co-Pastor of Calvary Christian Church in Hamilton, Ohio. “They don’t trust anybody. They have lost their identity, are hopeless, and very broken. On September 29, 2018, we want to let them know there are safe people and places to help them. We want them to see hope and that there are concerned people. We want to stand with them in unity.”

Deborah’s Voice represents Christian women from all walks of life with Judeo-Christian values. Their mission is to show the power of living a godly life in the 21st century; and to show the world that the God still loves the world. The organization provides a platform for Christian women that promotes and celebrates a Biblical worldview. Deborah’s Voice accomplishes these goals through engaging local, regional and national gatherings that includes speakers, testimonies, and uplifting music.

“Deborah’s Voice speaks to the voice of how women feel,” said Pastor Mullins. “We want to bring healing and hope to hurting women. We want to help them come out of their broken places.”

In addition to Guzman-McMillian, speakers will also include Dr. Barbara Peacock of Barbara Peacock Ministries; Gigi Graham, daughter of the late evangelist Billy Graham; New York Times Best Selling Author Rebecca Alonzo; and Dr. Marlene Carson, a human trafficking survivor and founder of The SWITCH Anti-Trafficking Network.

“We have all kinds of speakers,” said Pastor Mullins. “All of these women have come through something.”

Pastor Mullins has her very own testimony. On October 15, 1977, her father and her two brothers were killed in a plane crash. According to Pastor Mullins, the death of her father and brothers was such a traumatic experience she came to understand that she could run from the pain of the loss or depend on God to take her through the journey. She chose the latter.

“That day, God spoke to me,” she said. “I know pain. I really believe God told me to raise up a voice. I am amazing and humbled at what has happened this past year. I finally feel I have moved out of the wilderness. I am healed enough to help others through their pain.”

For over 30 years, Pastor Mullins has passionately preached the Gospel. With sound biblical teaching and preaching, she continues to empower multitudes to take dominion over their lives. She is a highly sought after conference speaker and author. She is married to Pastor Jim Mullins, and has two sons.

“Women enslaved in human trafficking have to make a choice,” said Pastor Mullins. “That’s the number one thing— making a choice. These women have to have the courage to get to someone who can help them. As long as they are silent, it is impossible. They have to step out and ask. We will be in Washington, D.C. to help them. It is possible to come out of human trafficking and be productive. Dr. Carson is such an example. We want women from all walks of life to come to Washington, DC and be a part of this dynamic event.”

The rally will also include performances by Eagle’s Rock Dance Team; A.I.M. Drama Team/Calvary Worship Team; Alexis Mahan; Dennis Wilson; Audrey King; and a dance performance by FERVENT.

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