Liberty’s Lite Holds Book Club Extravaganza


In observance of Older American’s Month, The Baltimore Times will periodically publish stories on seniors who are not only aging gracefully, but are doing extraordinary things. Every May, the Administration on Aging, part of the Administration for Community Living, leads our nation’s observance of Older American’s Month. The 2018 theme, “Engage at Every Age”, emphasizes that you are never too old (or young) to take part in activities that can enrich your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It also celebrates the many ways in which older adults make a difference in our communities.

In celebration of “Older Americans Month,” the Liberty’s Lite Readers Book Club held its annual Book Club Extravaganza on Wednesday, May 9, 2018. The event was held at the Liberty Senior Center located at 3525 Resource Drive in Randallstown. The Book Club Extravaganza featured dozens of authors and drew a capacity crowd.

Author and playwright Stella Adams was among the featured authors.

“The Book Club Extravaganza is a great place to network and get your book out,” said Adams, who penned “Heavy is the Rain.”

“You also learn a lot from the people who come. The Liberty’s Lite Book Club does a magnificent job introducing new authors. It was very successful last year, and is a success again this year.”

She added, “The event also provides an opportunity to meet a lot of people from around the country. It’s also enriching to hear what others are writing about and their experiences. We all do it for the love of writing and we all have a story to tell.”

Adams’ works also includes “Musing of a Poet Wannabe” and “Beneficial Life.”

“Another great part of this event is that it also shows that once you get to a certain age, life is not over,” said Adams. “You can reinvent yourself.”

The Liberty’s Lite Readers Book Club is comprised of a group of seniors’ age 60 and older. The group meets each month to discuss books they have read as a group. The Book Club Extravaganza included Book Signings, Book Swaps, two discussion panels, and Q&A sessions. The authors’ books were also sold during the annual event.

Judy Colbert was also among the authors. Colbert’s book is entitled, “100 Things To Do In Baltimore Before You Die.”

“This is my first year participating,” said Colbert. “The Book Club Extravaganza is wonderful. It allows me to reach a market that I otherwise might not have reached. I have done a lot of radio, television, and library appearances, but there is always a new market to reach. One lady told me she came just for my book.” Colbert’s book explores the “must-do” and “must-see” parts of Baltimore City for visitors and residents. She has been writing about Maryland, Baltimore, and the surrounding area for the past three decades.

Her other works include “It Happened in Maryland”; “Maryland and Delaware Off the Beaten Path”; “Insiders’ Guide to Baltimore”; and “Peaceful Places Washington, D.C”.

“There is a lot of bad noise about what is happening in Baltimore, but this book is my love letter,” she said. “There are a lot of great things going on in this city. I love spreading the word and being a part of it.”

Other authors included: Odessa Rose; Margaret Pagan; Dr. Stephanie Reid; Tawanda Prince; James Laws; Mito Bessalel, Cynthia Hudson-Laney; Wilma Brockington; and Joyce Smith.