Black Love Matters Panel Discussion

CNN Video

Black Love Matters panel discussion

Today, the University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Park Campus continued their Black History Month programming with a panel discussion centered around black love. Tonight’s Black Loves Matter panel featured three couples who shared their journey and experiences to finding and nurturing true love. The purpose of this panel discussion was to demonstrate that not all black couples are unhappy and that not all of their relationships end in divorce. Every student that attended the event received a Black History Month t-shirt as well as raffle ticket, the lucky winners took home relationship based books. USM Gulf Park Student Affairs Coordinator Jolanda Taylor said, “The information and advice shared here tonight could be applicable to any race or any culture as it relates to finding true love. We did have many students who are present who were not from the African American culture. However, we again open this event to the public and all of our Black History Month events are open to the USM community.” USM Gulf Park campus will continue to celebrate African-Americans during Black History through several events running through February 27th.