NKF-MD Providing Free Kidney Health Assessments


Lutherville, Md.— In conjunction with National Kidney Month, the National Kidney Foundation of Maryland (NKF-MD) will provide free Kidney Health Risk Assessments (KHRA), Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at the Brancati Center Health Awareness Hub located at 900 N. Washington Street in Baltimore.

Open to the public, this free assessment helps identify adults at risk for chronic kidney disease and increases awareness of kidney disease risk factors in the community. The KHRA uses a simple Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation, blood pressure measurement and a short six-question questionnaire to make participants aware of their risk factors for chronic kidney disease.

Participants will receive brief consultations with physicians and dietitians to learn about kidney disease, as well as general nutrition and wellness guidelines.

Kidney disease is the 9th leading cause of death in the United States, killing more people every year than breast or prostate cancer. While 26 million Americans (1 in 9) live with chronic kidney

disease, most don’t know it. In fact, 25 percent of the 1,170 people screened in 2016 by NKF-MD demonstrated significant results.

“We’d like to reduce these numbers by spreading the word that early detection and treatment can slow or prevent the progression of kidney disease,” said Pattie Dash, NKF-MD’s vice president of Mission Advancement.

Toward that end, the Foundation educated nearly 4,200 individuals through community outreach, health fairs and events in 2016.

For information about this KHRA event or NKF-MD’s other KHRA events and kidney screenings throughout Maryland and Delaware, call 410-494-8545 or visit: www.kidneymd.org.