Pretty in pink: Navy fighter jet painted for Breast Cancer Awareness month


— The fight against breast cancer picked up a powerful new ally — a Navy fighter jet. And of course, it’s pink.

An F9F-8 Cougar, painted in a vivid pink shade called “Heliconia,” is on display on the flight deck of the USS Lexington in Corpus Christi, Texas. It’s all in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so the jet will be on exhibit on the deck through October 31.

It won’t stay pink forever though. A special procedure — applying liquid dishwashing soap to the latex paint — keeps the pretty paint job from becoming permanent.

Rusty Reustle, director of operations and exhibits at the USS Lexington museum, said he got the idea after seeing filmmakers employ the technique while filming the movie “Pearl Harbor” on the ship, CNN affiliate KRIS reports.

The USS Lexington is a World War II-era aircraft carrier that’s now a museum.