Setting a goal for 2016!


We hear the same messages a lot this time of year. Put the past behind. Look to the future. Let bygones be bygones. Make a new commitment. Claim the new you in the New Year.

We are determined to lose weight. We decide that we aren’t going to do some things or we decide to start doing something. Life is filled with commitments, failures and recommitments. It’s okay.

We all make commitments and then fail to follow through. We diet for a day and then blow it the next. We join a gym and then never get around to working out. We aim to start a new endeavor, a new hobby or a new lifestyle. Sometimes we follow through and sometimes we don’t.

It’s not the end of the world if you’ve broken a resolution. We are human beings filled with flaws and inadequacies. Actually, all of life is trying again and again and again.

Part of life is the fun of having a target. We all need to aim our lives in a meaningful direction. Your goal may be starting a business, a new career, retirement, writing a book, writing a song, running for public office or just living healthy. Everybody’s goals are different but it’s healthy to have one or two.

We all need something to live for. Having a purpose increases our zest and passion for life. Having nothing to work toward leaves us a bit limp in our energy and sometimes hopeless and depressed.

After you read this article, determine what it is you want to do and go for it. Write your goal down and put it where you will see it often. Some days you’ll get sick of seeing your goal. Other days you will be reminded that you are either doing great or maybe you need to pick up the pace a little in effort.

I hope you make your goal in 2016. Good luck!